
Kingdom of the Dreamer

Feb 20
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Works by
Kingdom of the Dreamer

Welcome to the Kingdom of the Dreamer

DocT, The Messenger, from the collection Kingdom of the Dreamer. 2024
DocT, The Messenger, from the collection Kingdom of the Dreamer. 2024

“My work isn't in the genre of realism, but to me it's emotionally realistic, and that's what I'm consistently striving for.”


Kingdom of the Dreamer explores the legacy of classical storytelling and fairytales through the artist DocT's broadly recognized expressionist style.

As among the most colorful personalities in Web3, the artist's unique experience as a pediatrician in conflict zones helps to inform his interest in the delicate nuances of the human condition. Much of his work teeters between joy and horror, while exploring the intersections of traditional belief systems and emerging ideologies.

In Kingdom of the Dreamer, DocT uses AI imagery as source material and a starting point to engage with techniques of digital collage. The resulting works, inspired by his reading of Grimms’ Fairy Tales to his daughter, explore the cultural role of folktales and the the morals they teach, while brooding on the chasm that exists between children's' fantasy and the harsh realities of the world.

Throughout the collection, familiar archetypes of European folklore converge in resemblance to a fragmented tarot deck that foretell dark stories. The resulting body of work explores the fundamental nature of storytelling and its social purposes, and poses questions about the roles that folk tales hold in preparing children to understand the harsh realities of the world at large.

DocT, The King, from the collection Kingdom of the Dreamer. 2024.
DocT, The King, from the collection Kingdom of the Dreamer. 2024.
DocT, The Resting, from the collection Kingdom of the Dreamer. 2024.
DocT, The Resting, from the collection Kingdom of the Dreamer. 2024.

Grimms' Fairy Tales: History and Tradition

Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm, portrayed by Elisabeth Jerichau-Baumann (1855)
Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm, portrayed by Elisabeth Jerichau-Baumann (1855)

In Kingdom of the Dreamer, DocT participates in a centuries-long tradition of translating folk tales through visual means. Few collections of such stories have held such an enduring legacy as Grimm's Fairy Tales, which themselves compiled centuries of oral stories of European folklore into published form.

Many Grimms' tales should be familiar... Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, and so many more stories from our childhoods derive from the deep ages of storytelling tradition.

We are the stories we tell. Stories are how we learn, how we grow, and how we make sense of a messy, complicated, and ever-changing world.

Film still from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
Film still from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
Gustave Doré, illustration from Little Red Riding Hood,  1863.
Gustave Doré, illustration from Little Red Riding Hood, 1863.

For the artist, Kingdom of the Dreamer is more about the Grimms' tradition.

As a pediatrician with experience in working in dangerous conflict zones, the harsh realities of the world stand in opposition to the stories of fantasy the artist reads to his daughter at bedtime.

Fairy tales often evoke the dangers of the world outside of childhood. And there arises a deep personal question for the artist about what of the real world that children should understand, and what of its dangers they should be shielded from.

Kingdom of the Dreamer pays homage to a deep tradition of storytelling and fantasy while exploring the boundaries of reality, fantasy, and the world we leave our children to inherit.

Early edition of Grimms' Fairy Tales
Early edition of Grimms' Fairy Tales

Bidders' Edition

DocT, The Lord of Flowers. Bidders' Edition for Kingdom of the Dreamer. 2024
DocT, The Lord of Flowers. Bidders' Edition for Kingdom of the Dreamer. 2024

As a thank you gift to collectors and friends who support his work, the artist is offering an airdrop edition of The Lord of Flowers to all who place bids on 1/1s from Kingdom of the Dreamer.

About The Lord of Flowers

In Grimms' Fairy Tales, flowers hold profound symbolic meaning. They represent the delicate emotions and vulnerability of the protagonists. Their beauty, juxtaposed with their fleeting nature, can be interpreted as a symbol for the passage of human life.

Flowers have the power to awaken long-buried recollections and open hearts when words fail. They serve as vessels of emotion, connecting characters and readers alike to the deeper layers of the fairy tale and perhaps their own childhood memories.

They take us to a place within ourselves, in which the ephemeral meets the eternal and where the Lord of Flowers reigns.

“Achieving something universal in storytelling, to me, means to find the courage to strip away as much as possible in order to reveal a raw and unaltered core of the work and its meaning.”


About the Artist

DocT is a multidisciplinary artist and a dedicated pediatrician based in Germany with years of experience working in the humanitarian and development sectors in various conflict zones.

His works have been widely exhibited internationally and have been collected by notable individuals, including Cozomo de' Medici, Claire Silver, Murat Pak, art pleb, Michael Chester, Pop Punk, DeltaSauce, BLAC, Hyperspek and Michael Hafftka, among many others.

DocT's art explores the intricate nuances of the human condition and is best described as anthropological neo-expressionism: a blend of art that explores human culture and behavior (anthropology) with a contemporary revival of an expressive, raw, and highly emotive style (neo-expressionism).

Virtual Studio Visit

On Saturday, Feb 17th, DocT hosted a virtual artist talk to discuss the ideas and processes behind his work. He went deep into this collage techniques, the history of fairy tales, and the personal motivations behind Kingdom of the Dreamer.

Skalda is an artist/curator-led platform that champions artists defining the early histories of art in the age of AI.