"404 Day / NinjaScrollChallenge" (EVOLVING PORTALS)
Produced by Dutchyyy
Audio / Video Captured: Feb 2020 for the first Dibia$e #Dibiflips sample challenge that kick started back to back sample challenges across the globe #NinjaScrollChallenge 🥷
Collector of this artifact will be transferred the 1/1 audio version documented on 💽Catalog Works💽 of my official sample challenge submission originally uploaded to Soundcloud on the 1st official Roland SP #404day on 04/04/2020
🔗#404 DAY / Listen / Backstory🔗
There's 9 hr's worth of live captured audio from this challenge, only 1 minute of it was released, the rest was vaulted but you can hear glimpses of it in this documented artifact
What are/is #EvolvingPortals ?: 🔗Hop through a Portal to find out🔗