The artwork is a part of the series "1969 New Age Cult", a postmodern fairytale narrative inspired by The Beatles' song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds " with a twist of Alice in Wonderland. The series is based on the dreams of a kid called "Lucy" who falls asleep in late 60's while listening to the Beatles with the sound, in the background, of war protesters screaming "Love" and the celebration of the first man landing on the moon . In her dreams she starts to fly, she reaches The Land of Flower Fairies in the depths of the sky and the adventure begins.
Woodstock Flower Fest is the depiction of a dreamscape: it's the beginning of spring and the natives of the land celebrate the new king ascending the throne: "Old Flower King is dead! Long live the baby King!"
Date Created: 2023
Medium: Mixed Media / Digital Painting