"Between Life and Death" is a piece created in the very thick of struggle and suffering, executed in my blood style, which perfectly illustrates all the problems of the world, the system, narrates the principles of human biological behavior, and conveys my inner feelings. The blood from the mouth indicates that the individual is nearing death. The blood on the body is the last act of struggle like a wounded animal. The censorship of genitals speaks to an internal sanity - Blood and cuts are the language of my art, not the antics of a madman. Looking upwards shows newly found hope, giving me a reason to look up. The slashed human body symbolizes the traumatic impact of the external world on the individual. With this, I demonstrate how society and its artificial systems oppress the inner world of a person, tearing apart their true essence to force conformity to imposed norms and standards. "As a child, I wanted to change the world; as an adult, I fight to keep it from changing me."