
21st Century Digital Shaman

Adewale Mayowa
Last sold 0.11 ETH


What does it mean to be an Artist and why is this the path I've chosen to devote the entirety of my life to? Unlike becoming a Doctor where I was handed a certificate only after completing a rigorous training program that spanned almost an entire decade, I simply decided to change my bio on social media to "artist" one day and that was almost all it took.

Truly, it seems anyone who is drawn to creative work and feels compelled to make a mark on a piece of paper or any medium can be called an artist. After the NFT boom of 2021 where I like many other artists experienced a meteoric rise to fame and fortune beyond our wildest dreams followed by a crash that blindsided most, I was forced to sit with my thoughts and ponder what exactly I was doing with my life beyond feeding the machine of speculative money and status games.

I knew there was more to what I was aspiring to than this. There had to be. I had to return to the calling that pulled me out of my Father's house to go seek a promised land out in the wilderness. There was something greater than what was immediately in front of me that I had gleaned in the past through visions and bursts of rapturous inspiration and the only way to channel this higher vibration again is through sloughing off my ego and submitting myself to its will.

My present practice is an expression of this: an alchemy of the different mediums I picked up over the years as I attempted to manifest physically/visually the intrinsic reverberations of my soul. Through this practice, I hope to find resonance with other souls out in the universe across time and it's this hope for connection that fuels me now. It is who I am. It is why I am.

I am (a 21st Century Digital Shaman).

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Adewale Mayowa