A crocodile (from the Brigade) enters a fancy store... He is there to show how the “things” on the shelves are not “things for humans to wear and tear”. In fact, they were relatives that were torn apart for vanity as if humans didn't have skins of their own and other means to cover their flesh already. I encourage those who are puzzled by this work to research this industry further and learn about its horrors for themselves.
This NFT took nine days of meticulous work to turn my pencil sketches of a mural into a digital asset. Six of those days were set aside for the crocodile alone, as I had to make hundreds and hundreds of anatomically incorrect scales. I deemed this arduous task necessary to contrast the desirable aspects of these fashionable objects with the repulsion most people feel towards these ferocious animals.
As with all NFTs in the BWB collection, half the proceeds of this piece support environmental activism by Extinction Rebellion.