
Jamal M. Aziz

May 27
Works by
Jamal M. Aziz

Suburbs Gallery Solo Highlight no 45

Jamal M. Aziz in the Suburbs
Jamal M. Aziz in the Suburbs

Starting his career as a graphic designer for the musician duo Endah N Rhesa in 2012, Jamal's passion for art soon transcended his initial professional boundaries, leading him to explore the diverse and expressive world of visual arts.

Despite his formal education, Jamal found his true calling in the intricate dance of watercolor, ink, and digital mediums. His fascination with the shapes and textures of animals and plants serves as a canvas upon which he reflects the complexities of human nature and emotion. Each of his personal works often unfolds as a monologue, inviting viewers into a dialogue with their own feelings and thoughts.

Jamal M. Aziz in the Suburbs
Jamal M. Aziz in the Suburbs

Jamal's artistic journey is marked by his establishment of Kapal Pecah Studio, a mural studio that he co-founded with friends to undertake specific and expansive projects across various styles. This collaborative venture not only expanded his artistic horizons but also fostered a creative community that thrives on innovation and expression.

Since 2015, Jamal has embraced the life of a freelance illustrator, where his unique perspective and versatile techniques have garnered appreciation and recognition. His works, whether through the delicate strokes of watercolor or the bold lines of ink, continue to captivate and inspire, embodying a seamless blend of natural beauty and human introspection.


Our appreciation

Ego by Jamal M. Aziz

Jamal M. Aziz's artwork "Ego" is a captivating piece that invites viewers into a surreal and introspective dreamscape. This illustration, rendered in the artist's signature palette of blue, orange, and white, weaves a complex narrative about identity, perception, and inner conflict.

In "Ego," a boy stands at the center, holding a fish bowl that contains not fish, but flowers—a symbol of delicate beauty and transient life. The fish bowl, marked by an eye, serves as a window into the boy’s inner world, suggesting a deeper vision or insight that transcends ordinary perception. Interestingly, a fish floats outside the bowl, defying the expected boundaries and hinting at a sense of freedom or escape from conventional confines.

Above the boy, a vaporous tiger hovers, seamlessly fused with his form. The tiger, majestic and ethereal, places a paw over the boy's eyes, symbolizing a hidden truth or a suppressed aspect of his identity. This gesture suggests that the boy’s vision, both literally and metaphorically, is influenced or obscured by the tiger—a representation of his ego. The tiger's presence indicates a powerful inner force, one that is protective yet also dominant, potentially clouding the boy's true perception of himself and the world around him.


The use of blue, orange, and white in the artwork enhances its dreamlike quality, with blue symbolizing introspection and calm, orange representing energy and vitality, and white signifying purity and truth. The interplay of these colors creates a harmonious yet tension-filled composition, reflecting the complex interplay between the boy’s inner emotions and external perceptions.

"Ego" by Jamal M. Aziz is a profound exploration of self-awareness and the dichotomy between one’s true nature and the mask worn for the world.

  • Curation is the enduring resonance of artistic expression.