
Quote Your Touch Grass Art

Sep 24
Works by , , and 16 more
Quote Your Touch Grass Art

Quote Your Touch Grass Art - collective drop by the quote-art channel community

Art from the event flyer by V5MT
Art from the event flyer by V5MT

"Quote Your Touch Grass Art" is the second collective drop from the Warpcast quote-art channel community, initiated and organized by V5MT. This release features over 20 artists, selected from the most active contributors to the channel, with a focus on gender balance and strong representation of women artists.

Event Promo Flyer designed by V5MT
Event Promo Flyer designed by V5MT

The theme "Quote Your Grass Touch Art" brings nature on-chain and captures the essence of the onchain summer spirit. It plays on the phrase "touch grass," a lighthearted call to disconnect from the digital world and reconnect with nature. This collection brings that idea to life by translating it into digital art, encouraging a balance between the virtual and physical worlds. We invite viewers to take a break from their screens, while paradoxically celebrating the beauty of nature in an onchain, digital format. Each artist interprets the theme in their own style, with the unifying element of incorporating a touch of green to visually tie the collection together, despite the diverse aesthetic approaches.

The goal of the quote-art themed collective drops is to spotlight the top artists active in the channel, showcasing their talent and aiming to increase attention and support for this creative community.

This gallery is dedicated to the collective drops of the community gathered around the quote-art channel on Warpcast.
The quote-art channel was the idea of artist Trapers, who noticed the growing trend of art quoting on Warpcast and asked V5MT to set up a dedicated channel, and so she launched it on April 9th, 2024. Since then, they have both moderated the channel together, enjoying the process and watching it grow every day. It has been a great pleasure to see the channel attract a community of top-notch artists, who use it daily for art sharing and engaging in fun theme-chains. This inspired V5MT to organize a series of collective drops featuring the most active "quoters."