
A:Ω | Alpha VS Omega

Apr 17
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Works by
A:Ω | Alpha VS Omega

A Transformational Odyssey of Self— Mortal to Ethereal.

Alpha VS Omega is a metaphysical exploration of the self. The tactile strength of Alpha stands firm, releases, clashes then falls to the transcendent Omega.

This surrealist ennealogy, a testament told over 9 works, expresses the internal battle and eventual transition between physical ego and ethereal self.

The progression from dominance to surrender and finally to enlightenment and expansion, portrays the dissolution of the ego and the awakening of the Eternal within.


The battle of self is a common theme throughout much of BLAC's work. Ego-death and rebirth is a central tenet of the lessons within the teachings of Syncretica— a philosophical belief system BLAC is developing, strives to give a new framework to spirituality in the current era.

A:Ω | "8:0" (Open Edition)
A:Ω | "8:0" (Open Edition)

“I find we are all, at any given moment, within a phase of this eternal battle. Weighing toward one side or the other and even looping around again.”

A:Ω | "7:1"
A:Ω | "7:1"

Each title of the individual works are a reference to the battle itself, exploring the dominance of Alpha or Omega ("A:Ω"), cataloging the transformational progression from one to the other.

"6:2", Alpha: 6, Omega 2. This shows the evolving shift between forces from "7:1" where Omega was just entering the transition to now having a window where it enters from the ethereal. In "5:3", Alpha: 5, Omega 3, Omega begins to take mortal form, effecting the landscape and transition of power. The collection plays out in this manner, shifting dominance of self from one side to the other.

A:Ω | Narrative Progression
A:Ω | Narrative Progression

In "4:4", The Ethereal emerges, a pinnacle point where one-sided dominance is surrendered and balance between Alpha and Omega is achieved.

Change is the only constant, order cannot stand for long, and soon, we shift phases.

A:Ω | "3:5"
A:Ω | "3:5"

We often glorify alternative selves, feeding into their own ego as they begin to emerge, and what was once balanced, begins shifting back to a state of non-duality.

A:Ω | "2:6"
A:Ω | "2:6"

What begins as a welcome change, the transformation undergoes a polarity shift as the Omega takes full control.

A:Ω | "1:7"
A:Ω | "1:7"

As “0:8” emerges, the Omega is fully realized. In this state, the Omega becomes the Alpha as the sole self, and the cycle begins to spiral into itself once more.

A:Ω | "0:8" (Open Edition)
A:Ω | "0:8" (Open Edition)

Further Interpretation: While the collection follows a certain core narrative, there are many elements purposefully woven within that are available for interpretation and are left for the inquisitive mind to realize on their own.

Notes from the Artist:

With all of my collections, I strive to connect them to the broader ecosystem of my portfolio by branching themes, visual aesthetics, and intention. A:Ω is no different.

Syncretica is a philosophical concept being created and revealed in real time through text, art, and living the tenets that embody it. A:Ω, is a representation of the concept of ego death, rebirth, and the internal fight between human experience and immortal hereafter.

Connecting A:Ω

The journey of finding oneself is prevalent throughout the ecosystem of Syncretica and as such can also be found in,  “Penumbra” and “Hands Of The Faithful '' collections. 

In the “Penumbra” collection, we go through a rigorous journey of identity loss, as the Traveler, in order to find and achieve true enlightenment. 

In the “Hands of the Faithful” collection we, as faceless followers, move with faith, toward a new version of self. By challenging old norms of our psyche, and breaking free.

Both collections touch on the idea of destiny, while still holding space for the idea we are all given free will. The question then is whether or not we have faith in our choices.

A:Ω, aesthetically, meets “Penumbra” and “Hands of the Faithful” in the middle. Pulling from the wild visuals of the existential surrealism style in “Penumbra” and also from the soft minimalism and color treatments of “Hands of the Faithful”.

The goal with all of my work, is to expand the mind and tap into the unknown.

To break habits of thoughts and evolve the nature of self-identity. This collection does exactly that, while fitting within my ecosystem of work and simultaneously expanding upon it.

Process & Methodology:

The foundational components of A:Ω was created with AI. I developed multiple custom style tune models from my own work, combined with prompted outputs. I then created 1000's of compositions using these tune models with scene prompts, finally curating down to a list of about 75 or so initial compositions that sync with my intention for the collection.

After the curation phase, I focused on individual works, and began in-painting, expanding, and adjusting compositions. Sometimes this happens over hundreds of iterations for each individual work.

When this process is done, I then move everything into photoshop, and begin working in layers, painting, adjusting, and hand-painting elements digitally. The final set of works are determined during this time, and I finalized the narrative around the works, and make sure a congruent flow for specific elements as adhered to.

The result is a collection I am extremely proud of that represents so much of my own internal struggle, experiences, and artistic vision.

Final thoughts:

Thank you for joining this journey, absorbing this collection, and giving time to search for something more in Art. I hope this moves you, in some way, from the Alpha to the Omega.

A very special 'thank you' goes out to Kristen Aundrea, Doc T, Bad Bean, Moonlight Ciara, and Delta Sauce for actionable feedback and support during the creation of this collection, both as friends and fellow artists with a keen vision for more than what meets the eye.

NEXUS is the central point of all things Syncretica. For now, this is a gallery for the A:Ω | Alpha VS Omega collection. For later, time will unfold.