States is an introspective journey through the spectrum of human emotions and consciousness, meticulously crafted by Properpablo, a 24-year-old self-taught artist based in Astana, Kazakhstan.
This collection invites viewers to pause and reflect on the emotions that shape their lives, whether positive or negative. Each piece presents a distinct state of mind, encouraging contemplation and awareness of one's inner world. By using art as therapy and personal monologues, Pablo's works emphasize the importance of continuous motion in ideas and actions, generating new energetic fields that propel us forward.
“A lot inspiration directly comes from observing the feelings of other people - when I see their passion when looking at something which matters only for them, tiny personal reasons only they know.”
“I started with scribbles, then I caught the best state I've ever felt - flow state! Magic happened: I created these works which are close to my heart.”
“I don't like to be gatekept under one artistic process, but rather experience the freedom and experimentation of exploring fresh new ways of thinking.”
“Advice to emerging artists: Explore yourself in a creative and fun way. Be brave and express your art, it is your language to speak with the world.”
Curator's Statement (SierraRenee AyoSade)
"States invites viewers to pause and reflect on the feelings that govern their lives, whether positive or negative. Each piece presents a distinct state of mind."
AAWH is dedicated to spotlighting emerging and underrepresented artists from diverse global backgrounds. Founded and curated by juujuumama