
Summer 1994

Feb 22
Works by
Summer 1994

1994, I'm 10, a year away from playing wipeout on playstation 1. I live in the south of France, not the fancy part, but it's sunny and warm. The radio plays Regulate by Warren G, Spring is coming to and end, Summer is slowly making its way, the familiar smell of hot concrete, plastic leather seats in cars burning your legs when mom and dad pick you up, the stains of cola flavour Mr.Freeze on my favourite batman tee shirt ( Black with the batman logo in yellow, the kind of tee shirt batman himself would wear ).

I would go on to be endlessly inspired by all this, mixed with watching a lot of 1920s cartoons my dad had in VHS.

Nature, food, music... girls.

“Super soaker, pool sides, hot dogs.”

mcbess 1994
lucky to have some mates with pools
lucky to have some mates with pools

Every year, the big summer holidays would be 2 months of going to waterparks, beaches, forests, small islands just next to the coast, bbqs, ice creams, loads of cherries and melons.

la Frayere, Cannes, my school in 1994
la Frayere, Cannes, my school in 1994

I created these four pieces, mixing both illustration, frame by frame 2D animation and music to encapsulate this mood that I felt when I was young and that made me who I am today.

The song I wrote is divided between those four artworks, acting as the common thread between them

summer 1994
summer 1994

Physical prints.

I will be doing screenprints versions of all four pieces limited to 50 pieces, 70x50 cm, sold on mcbess.com

The winner of the 1/1 (August)  will be able to redeem the print for free. The owners the Dynamic price auction will get 50% off. The owners of the LE will get 25% off. The owners of the open edition will get 10% off.

Hope you enjoy these as much as I enjoyed making them.

Welcome to my world, feels good when nothing is usefull.