
Introducing Drops

A new

Designed by Foundation.

Big collections.
No code required.

Launch a collection of up to 10,000 NFTs for the cost of minting a single NFT.

Two ways to price

Fixed price

Get the most out of your drop by letting everyone collect at the same price that you choose.

Dynamic price

Let the market determine the best price with a Rebate Dutch Auction.

Revealed and randomized.

Captivate your community with a magical moment when artworks reveal. Randomized for fairness and designed to delight.

Get in on the drop with packs.

There's more to love in packs of 3 or 5. Keep a few, trade a few, sell a few.

Collaborate on a Drop and split the sales.

With Splits, you can team up to work on a drop with up to 4 other people. Sales and royalties are automatically split, onchain.

Take control of your drop with scheduling.

Rally your community, generate anticipation and create a buzz around your drop by scheduling it ahead of time.

Reward your community with a presale.

We've made it easy to build an allowlist that ensures your community of supporters get access to your drop before anyone else.

Drop together in Worlds

Drops are composable with Worlds so that you can expand your horizons alongside an onchain network. Experience collective creativity.

Explore Drops

Explore Drops
Now available to everyone.

Launch your drop today.