"El Rastro de la Hormiga y la Cigarra", as with the rest of my work of "La Forma de la Luz", I seek to stimulate the viewer to navigate through the imaginary. It is about that each person who observes the work, feels free to imagine shapes, figures, to interpret it from his own point of view. My message as an author is intrinsic in this process.
"El Rastro de la Hormiga y la Cigarra", is an abstract representation that seeks to reflect on that digital path that we leave with each of our interactions on social networks. It is a metaphor inspired by the fable of Esopo, where on the one hand is the ant that works hard and in silence to have provisions during the winter, while the Cicada, more crazy carefree and confident is only interested in having fun. What is the trail of the ant? What is the trail of the cicada? Nowadays, which one is more visible and more often?