Neo Cyber Tarot is an art project that reinterperting classic symbolism of tarot, in a modern way linking archetypes of subculture with. The artist Miigo provides unique and experimental aesthetics by combining her own anime style which has futurism and traditional elements, with symbol of major arcana tarot. It will also help you to explore your inner world and take care of your mind.
This card specifically represents the perfect union, harmony, love, and attraction. it depicts close relationship between two girls in a spiritual and romantic connection. these two complete each other by pure and passionate love. But, since blessings and curses coexist in this world, it also has the potential to be both good and evil. If you are in love now, it is a blessing, but you should not forget that you can also indulge in temptation of sensual pleasures and misfortune.
All bidders will receive a stamp. Check my twitter account(@miigo_nft) for more information.