"From the underground Jazz clubs in the 40s to the frenetic Bebop nights in the 50s: that's where the magic happened for Arielus.
After so much time and space, finally a melody that could make feathers tingle!
Not just a pair of curious eyes hiding in dark corners, but a new disciple absorbing every genial note from those true unknown masters."
About "Misguided"
For a long time they curiously observe all physical and meta worlds, including ours. Master artists themselves, but passionate art lovers above all. Some have taken this passion too far. They are called "Misguided" by others of their kind.
Check the official "Misguided" page for full story and new drops.
My personal tribute to art in all its forms and the icons that inspire me.
1/1 NFT Collection. Ad aeternum.
1414 x 2000 MP4 video + sound
Cinema 4D, After Effects and Sound Design.