We are on a Sunday morning in February in the heart of the Prés salés between Lège and Arès, in France, trying to translate an idea of an image that I have in mind.
After looking, turning and returning, I find myself not knowing where to start, having finally found a place conducive to my creativity.
This place is out of time.
No one around and I imagine myself in the past centuries.
One, two, three, four back. A painter in search, a cursed poet adrift, a local child deceiving boredom.
The sky is overcast, the weather is gloomy.
It's a perfect mise en abyme of the feeling that I decided to exploit.
Touching my hypersensitivity, I squeeze the shutter button.
Rolleiflex T f3,5 75mm Tessar - Kodak 400TX - Red filter - Ilford Ilfosol 3
HD film scan 5806x5806 px