I don't know if Forrest Gump and Bubba experienced this fine rain in Vietnam.
This small rain, fine and light like a cloud which explodes slowly.
This fine and light rain that settles delicately on the clothes, on the hair, not daring to get wet except in contact with the hand, with the wrinkling of clothes.
Anyway, my 80s trench coat is soaked, my shoes drowned in flooded sand paths.
Walking in the wind, I protect my Rolleiflex like a pregnant woman protects her belly.
We are on a Sunday morning in February in the heart of the Prés salés between Lège and Arès, in France, trying to translate an idea of an image that I have in mind. (...)
Rolleiflex T f3,5 75mm Tessar - Kodak 400TX - Red filter - Ilford Ilfosol 3