
The Hidden Gem


The Hidden Gem

The valley, also known as the Belemedik Valley, is actually the valley formed by Nakit Stream, an important branch of the Seyhan River, as it flows between the Bolkar Mountains. To reach here, you can use the railway from Pozanti to the south. I reached Cakit Valley by using this railway. We stopped the train for taking photos of the valley. After getting off the train, we have to walk through a cave. Then we passed out of the dark cave, Cakit Valley was laying down on me with its glory. You can see the left side of the valley from this point of view.
The Adana Province, which I visited in autumn, once again mesmerized me with the hidden beauty of Cakit Valley.

License: Primary NFT holder is free to use in advertising, display privately and in groups, including virtual galleries, documentaries and essays by holder of the NFT, as long as creator is credited. Provides no rights to create commercial merchandise, commercial distribution, or derivative works. Copyright remains with creator.

Artist: Koray Ozpalamutcu

Gear: Sony ILCE-7RM2

Lens: Sony FE 16-35mm F2.8GM

Focal Length: 35 mm

ISO: 200

Shutter Speed: 1/60

Aperture: f/11
Dimensions : 5304 X 7952

File Size: 47,1 MB

License: Extended Editorial

Year: 2019

Location: Adana- TURKEY

Token ID
Token standard
