
#7: Perfection

Hugo Korhonen


This night was incredible.

My girlfriend and I were out waiting for Auroras. The forecast seemed very promising. Slowly the lights started appearing in the sky. First, they were very faint.

I started a timelapse of the Auroras, while they were getting more powerful. After a while the Auroras got more faint again and while this we switched to another spot.

Then the show kicked off harder than I had ever seen in my hometown.

The Auroras were super powerful. Some of the Auroras were even pink which is rare, especially in the middle of Finland (because of the latitude).

I always want to have a clear subject in my photographs, and at some point, I chose the island you can see in the photo to be the subject.

It still blows my mind how perfectly the Auroras were on top of it.

I love using leading lines in my work, and these Auroras not only looked epic, but they also worked perfectly as leading lines. They lead your eye perfectly through the photo to the island.

I’m so happy I captured this moment. I have not witnessed anything like this after that.

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Hugo Korhonen