
#4: Finnish summer

Hugo Korhonen


This morning was a very beautiful one.

My mum and I went out to shoot one viewpoint in Puijonsarvi, Kuopio, but it didn’t go as planned. I didn’t find a composition there. At that point, I made a hard and “risky” decision to try to find another spot. It was risky since we weren’t sure would we be able to get a photograph at all in time. The sunrise was rapidly approaching.

We went to a shoreline and we found many boats with a beautiful view.

I first tried a composition with a tree branch that was in the water, which didn’t work out.

Mosquitoes didn’t help at all either. It was so frustrating with them. They also were in many photos I took, so I had to back away from the camera at some points that the mosquitoes would follow me instead of being around the camera.

After the photograph with the tree branch didn’t work out, I spotted this boat with these branches beautifully framing it. I immediately fell in love with the composition.

I took a long exposure of this scene which gave that beautiful look for the water, and also some movement for the leaves which adds to the story.

This photo screams Finnish summer to me, although there are no mosquitoes in it haha.

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Hugo Korhonen