Throughout history, humanity has experienced the devastating consequences of war. From the bloodshed of ancient battles to the horrors of modern-day conflicts, war has left behind a trail of destruction and heartache. But amidst the chaos and turmoil, there is still hope.
We have the power to choose peace and build a better future for all. Let us use the lessons of the past to inspire a brighter tomorrow, free from the horrors of war. Together, we can create a world where sticks and stones are the only weapons of a distant memory.
This is not an exhaustive representation of all wars, ethnicities and conflicts in history, Rather, its purpose is to remind us of a fundamental truth: war only brings suffering and destruction.
Duration: 57 sec
Resolution: 1080x1920 30FPS
Medium: Stable diffusion / Ai Art
Music: Rok Nardin & samuelkimmusic - CHAOS