Alias: Benzodiazepines
Type: Sleeping Pill
Batch #: 001
Duration: 75 sec
Size: 48MB
This audio-visual medicine to help to encourage a deep sleep, reproduced by “Sopite syndrome”. The effect forces people to fall asleep while driving. This is caused by your inner ear’s signal not being able to keep up with discrepancy between "high speed" visual information and “low-amplitude & low-frequency” sounds in vehicle.
Direction of Use:
– Please play in loop until you feel the effect.
– Please take this medicine when you are comfortable and relaxed. Before sleep would be preferable.
– Using VR device is preferable.
– This medicine is an art project and is not medicinally proved in western medicine. The effect depends on individuals.
- Some flashing lights sequences or patterns may affect photosensitive viewers.