
Do You Believe?

Andrea R
Auction starting bid
0.15 ETH
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0.20 ETH


Do You Believe in something greater than ourselves? Do you have faith in a higher source?

I often find myself contemplating the vastness of the universe, and from a young age, I've recognized the profound connection between tangible and intangible elements of existence. Can you see it? Can you feel it?

May this piece inspire you to gaze upon the expansiveness of the night sky, where stars twinkle, and planets perform their celestial dance, revealing wonders beyond what meets the eye.

Peer and feel beyond the visible cosmic display, and you'll uncover elusive forces like dark matter and energy subtly orchestrating their movements within the celestial realm, hidden yet profoundly impactful.

Reflecting on this link between our worlds encourages us to trust in the intricate design that ties together the understood and the hidden. Belief in the universe surpasses recognizing stars; it involves embracing the unseen with trust and humility. Envision it as a celestial ballet, where our comprehension is like a droplet in an expansive sea of cosmic knowledge.

This faith in the universe isn't confined to the scientific realm; it's a spiritual journey that encourages us to believe in the unknown, a force that truly has our back, if you choose to believe.

It is a reminder that amidst the routine, forces beyond our vision transcend our understanding.

Do you believe now?

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Andrea R
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Andrea R