The Golden Ratio Phi approximates 1.61803... but more accurately equals (sqrt.of 5 + 1) / 2.
Mathematician Luca Pacioli discussed and popularized Phi in his book "De Divina Proportione" ("The Divine Proportion") in 1509. Since then it has shown a propensity to appear in the most astonishing variety of places, from mollusk shells, sunflower florets, and rose petals to the shape of the galaxy ...
Artist: HighlyMelanated
Edition 1/1
Size: 1159 × 1653
Gear: Canon EOS 5D Mark III- Canon EF 24-70mm f/4L IS USM
Genre: Architecture Photography
License: The Primary NFT holder is free to use the NFT in private display and in groups, including social media, NFT marketplaces, virtual galleries/ worlds/museums, documentaries and essays by the holder of the NFT, as long as the creator is credited. Provides no rights to create commercial merchandise, commercial distribution, or derivative works. Copyright remains with creator.
© HighlyMelanated, All rights reserved.