Organics is a collection of images inspired by dried flowers, the natural world and the original generated art form, nature itself. Perhaps a little influenced by displays at the British Museum.
Collection Details
Within the collection there will be 10 sets of 8 'editions'. Each piece will be a unique 1/1, however there will be 8 which have a similiar look, making a themed 'edition' within the collection.
Floor price will be respected, and increased over time.
Created by composite photoshop digital arts, AI Generative components, real world textures and digitised traditional media.
The images are circa 2304px x 3840px. Help and guidance on physical printing available.
Note: Some of the images have quotes from friends and communities that I belong to. An alternate version without the quote is available on request
Zal4dw (@paulbratcher), A published and exhibited artist, creator and photographer based in the UK.