Alien ⟊⍜⊑⋏⋏⊬.
It's 3022.
One of the most famous human fashion brands decided to re-release their pieces from a collection made 1000 years ago.
Aliens from ⌇⍜⎎⏁⍙⏃⍀⟒ planet are currently the only sentient beings of the galaxy that can fit into these older clothes.
99.9% of humans are too fat and so they really can’t put on those tight garments.
Maybe it’s because they are living their lives in the Metaverse they created?
⟊⍜⊑⋏⋏⊬ is ⟒⌰⌇⏃’s colleague, he likes her, but he is always too shy to ask her out.