A mighty warrior on a quest for the Holy Grail, after long wanderings and exhausting journeys through deserts, snow-covered mountains and swamps, finally finds what he has been searching for so long.
But to reach the source of eternal life, he must overcome the final obstacle - to defeat the one whom all Middle-earth is afraid of - the fiery minotaur - a fiery monster that destroys everything and everyone in its path.
In his quest the warrior is not alone - to defeat the monster he is helped by providence itself. From the treasure chest emerges the legendary, battle-hardened magic sword of the ancestors. It's the only way to kill the monster.
And so, having entered into a deadly battle, our hero, using all his strength, overcoming fear and doubt, defeats the terrible monster and celebrates the victory.
After a long ordeal, he finally gets what he was going for - a treasure, the source of eternal life.