"Dea Aetheris" (Ethereum Goddess) made by Genius Scientist Vitalik Buterin from the Ros-Canadius Galactic Empire.
CLASS: Queen type Goddess
Currently reigning as the only Queen, she made ETH as the most used medium crypto currency for the new economy of NFT, in exchange of Gas.
One of her most distinctive ability is "Siphon Life" black hole, her Intellect is almost immeasurable, she can calculate the 1st to 10x10^10th Mersenne prime repeatedly.
Her personality can be considered as Tsundere.
The winner will receive 2 Animated 2160^2 GIF versions + HD banner MP4 60FPS loop. Includes an extension that will replace Google logo on browsers. (This is the first NFT Google Doodle in history)
Owning this NFT and being installed on your browser will imbue the following stats:
Aetheris' Grace
Humanity + 20
Gas Transaction Failure -50%
Luck + 20
Wallet Defense + 10
How far can you go for Ethereum-sama?