this work features a job application i submitted in november 2021 + acts as a window into my view on VC today.
i previously worked in VC, but VC hasn’t made sense to me for a few years. however, it brought me to web3 and led me to focus on what interests me — where i am best positioned to grow. immersing myself in art + music, tech + culture — collecting + creating, experiencing + enjoying. making mistakes + learning by doing.
it always comes down to people + timing. tech/platform shifts are a unique pt to meet people who share common ground, passion for innovation + excitement about the unknown. full circle, it’s the reason why i started where i did, and landed where i am now.
and i’m happy with where i’m at. listening to my intuition + following my thought process rather than subscribing to a path or crutching on a plan. creating my own boxes instead of worrying about checking others. using the design space to celebrate how i see + appreciate the benefit in being the odd one out.