Title: The Bipedal Elephant Does Some Squats
File size: 17.1Mb
File format: .glb (3D Assets Web AR Compatible)
The Bipedal Elephant is one of the first creatures I created as a part "Lolo Volcano". In a way this project is my response to the self-serious nature of the contemporary art world but I also just create these curious creatures because they make me laugh and I hope they do the same for other like-minded weirdos as well.
A naturally curious creature, the Bipedal Elephant spends the majority of its waking hours caressing and probing elements of its local habitat using its trunk. This investigation is typically followed by, what researchers insist, are explosive displays of creative self-expression using mud, water, and other available materials which is sprayed out from its trunk onto cliff faces and cleared areas of ground.
Creature Type:
Creative, Sensual, Sprayer
leg day, pedicures, lewd graffiti
trunk shaming, zombie formalism, grant applications