Ramakrishna Paramahamsa lived as a very intense devotee of Kali. For him, Kali was not a deity, Kali was a living reality. She danced in front of him, she ate from his own hands, she came when he called, & she left him dripping with ecstasy. This was real, it was actually happening. This was not a hallucination, he was actually feeding her. Ramakrishna’s consciousness was so crystallized that whatever form he wished became a reality for him.
Kali is a very fierce form. You need a different kind of skill to manage a woman like that! In many ways, she is very easily approachable compared to other forms, but at the same time, very, very fierce. When you invite someone very fierce, if you do not know how to manage them, they may eat you up! There are others which are even more fierce & terrible. Usually, the yogis created very fierce forms because these are fierce people & they cannot live with a tame woman. They want someone really wild.-Sadhguru
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