My first experiment with animated patterns reimagines the term 'bull run' using the bull skull of the revered Ankole cow from eastern and central Africa. The Ankole cow is a large beast that can grow up to 7ft tall and is known known for having majestic long horns, which can sometimes grow up to 1.8m (6ft.) long! For many of the communities that own them, the cows hold special significance. Traditional Ankole ceremonies often have dancers with their hands twisting in the air mimicking the shape of the horns on their cattle. For the Mundari community in Sudan, herdsmen often grow very strong bonds to their herd - often naming them and pampering them however they can.
This piece was minted as part of the inaugural fwb Fellowship collection. The sale of 'Bull Run' will fund and unlock a further 7 pieces in this collection.
Dimensions: 1500px x 1500px