AMOR is one of the most iconic photographs from Rony Hernandes’ work that speak of affection. Giving due representation and empowerment to afrocentered relations, it speaks of trust, belonging, exchange, shelter and of course, love.
3484x4928 jpeg. Minted and listed with proceeds from the sale of "WAGMI". Archival print to be shipped worldwide for original buyer.
@RonyHernandes is a promising 24 year-old Brazilian photographer, whose potent and extremely sensible work has been published by Afropunk, Cult, Domestika and more. AMOR is one of his genesis NFTs sponsored by NU NFT on Foundation.
NU_NFT is a Brazilian initiative to curate and launch to the NFT space marginalized artists from the 3rd world — where language, tech and $ barriers are a huge hindrance. We believe in the power of web3 to burn inequalities and promote social justice. All proceeds go to further onboarding, sponsoring new talented artists' genesis mints and organizing local NFT art shows and exhibitions.