Search & Destroy is a thought-provoking digital artwork that explores humanity's increasing reliance on instant information. It’s meant to raise questions about the potential consequences of such dependence, suggesting that the human appetite for knowledge could ultimately steer us toward our own downfall. This artwork challenges us to reflect on when we might awaken to the realization that we have unwittingly become puppets to The Network.
This visualization features a computer search bar with a skull head representing the all-knowing-information-god with computer keys exploding as it searches for your requests. Light bars symbolize an all-knowing branch of information blasting through. The glitching colors portray the infinite information coursing through connection lines in pursuit of our every inquiry...
The digital artwork is minted on the Ethereum blockchain as an ERC-721.
The Network, 2023
• HD 3840x1556
• p5js, Blender, Photoshop
• Infinite loop