
Shade #1

Helga Chouchou
Auction starting bid
0.50 ETH


Photo: 5765*8000 px

People are trying to know life and are in a constant search for love and happiness, but is it possible to find them without finding ourselves and revealing our desires? Our desires are like our wants in the store of life constantly changing and re-forming. Some are ready to eat the same food from the list of products which they once defined for themselves, and then the process of eating reduces to the banal existence at the physical level while others are not afraid to try new and unexplored things and make a conclusion about what they like or not only after they have tried them. It's another level of fulfilling and experiencing life. Our taste is shaped by our attempts to know ourselves there is no right or wrong taste, only your desire to live tastelessly, justifying your choice by the fact that you do not need it or brightly, feeling the fullness of life honestly admitting to yourself your desires perceiving life through all given to man by the sense of touch.

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Helga Chouchou
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Helga Chouchou