
The Gift

Anthony Ventura
Auction starting bid
0.25 ETH
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0.50 ETH


Adira of Rayse was awaken in the night and drawn to her window. Although a two day journey away she could see the glow of the smoke beckoning against the night horizon.

She traveled night and day until she arrived at the Plains of Stone. There, in a single pit of oil it called to her.

Reaching in she pulled, it seemed to be attached to the land, pumping, breathing. Her eyes were thought to deceive her.

Could this be the Engine of Wrath?

The Engine of Wrath that she has heard so much about in fairy tales and stories since childhood?

If so, would it posses the terrible powers described in these same stories?

Adira didn’t care. Either way it would make a fitting gift to the Custodians of the Green Temple and progress her ambition to once again become one of the most formidable paladins in the all the lands.

Hand drawn digital illustration by Anthony Ventura.

Adira of Rayse created my Matt Griffin.

Owned by
Anthony Ventura
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Anthony Ventura