
You are a warrior.

Kris Uvarova
Auction starting bid
0.05 ETH


You are a warrior.

Continuing to build my collection, My Feelings. I present to you the third work. You are a warrior.

In it, I want to show that every man, strong. All he has to do is believe it. In yourself, in your strength, in your abilities. We all experience in life, struggle, rivalry, and battle.

The way of the warrior is great and selenium in solitude. In solitude there is strength and intelligence of spirit. Your thoughts are a weapon.

I have a very difficult life, but I have no regrets. This is my life and my experience. There were times when I didn't want to live. And when I walked out of life for a few minutes. It was a mistake by the doctors. I was saved. And how everyone later said that it was a miracle. I learned to appreciate every minute. I was saved - it means my mission here is not over.

I was re-learning how to walk and how to eat normally. I was in a lot of pain, but it didn't break me. The pain kept me awake.

I love life.

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Kris Uvarova
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Kris Uvarova